Thursday, September 24, 2020

Brushing our teeth is important

 Brushing our teeth is important

Intro: Today my persuasive writing is going to be about why it’s important for us people to brush our teeth.

It is important to brush our teeth to prevent gum disease.  The purpose of brushing our teeth is that our teeth reduce the risk of bacterial infections like tooth abscess.  The names of the teeth's are primary teeth, secondary teeth, upper, lower, incisors, canines, premolars and molars.

Incisors are the sharp teeth at the front of the mouth that bite into food and cut it into smaller pieces.  The Incisor's teeth are flat with a thin edge.  The incisor’s teeth are also called anterior teeth.  Canines are the sharp, pointed teeth that sit next to the incisors and look like fangs.  Dentists also call them cuspids or eyeteeth.  Canines are the longest of all the teeth, and people use their canines teeth to tear the food.

Premolars are bigger than the incisors and canines.  Adults have eight premolars.  The first and second premolars are the molars that sit next to the canines.  Molars are the biggest of all the teeth.   Molars have a large flat surface.  We have to brush our teeth at least two times a day.  To help protect your teeth, use fluoride toothpaste.

Conclusion: Last of all brushing your teeth at least two times a day is a very good idea.  Brushing your teeth two times a day means that you have to brush your teeth in the morning and at night.  I hope that you people are making sure that your teeth are healthy and clean by brushing it twice a day.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Lets help stop the VIRUS...

Wearing a mask is important

Introduction: My opinion is that wearing a mask out in public is very important because there’s heaps of reasons on why you should wear a mask everywhere in public.

If you are going out in public with your friends and family don’t forget to wear your mask because,

  1. For others safety

  2. For your own safety 

  3. To not spread the virus

For others safety: When you are out in public doing what you are supposed to do please don’t forget to wear a mask because there’s people out there who need our support.  Wearing a mask is very important to us people because it helps us from spreading the virus and it also means that we are obeying the rules against Covid-19.

For your own safety: To me I like the idea of wearing a mask in public so that I don’t catch other people’s virus or illness.  Wearing a mask has meant a lot to me because it tells me that I have been obeying the rules and that it helps me from not catching the virus.

To not spread the virus: To help not to spread the virus we need to wear a mask out in public so that we don’t need to move on to level 4.  A Lot of us are doing what's right so that's good but let me encourage you people out there to start wearing a mask so that we don’t have to be in Lockdown. 

Conclusion: So all I want from you guys is to start wearing a mask in public to help yourself, others and of course the VIRUS.

Hi guys this is a bit of persuasive about why it is very important to wear a mask in public.  I just want to encourage you people out there to start wearing a mask to help us against Covid-19.  Comment down below if you agree that wearing a mask is very important and explain why.